Kind Sport

The best sports for children

Children are active by nature and have a great urge to move. However, this should not be left unchecked, but channelled in a targeted way. After all, sport not only promotes physical fitness, but also the personality development of children.

Why sport is important for children

Many children are active and like to be outside. But some just don’t like sports and rarely exercise voluntarily. Yet it is so important that children do sport regularly! Because physical activity not only promotes motor skills and coordination, but also increases stamina. And that in turn is good for health, for the cardiovascular system. At the same time, sport strengthens the mind: Through sporting challenges, children learn to cope better with defeat and to work as a team.

Which sports are suitable for children

The best sports for children are those that they enjoy and feel good in. Every child is different and has different interests and needs. It is important that parents take the time to find out which sports are best for their child. Some children like to go all out in sports and other children prefer a calmer and more moderate exercise. There are also children who like to play and compete in teams, while others prefer sports activities alone or in smaller groups. Parents should therefore take time to find out with their child which type of sport suits him or her best. Together they can then decide which sports he or she would like to try.

Tips for motivating children to participate in sports

It is important that children develop a positive attitude towards sport, as it is an essential part of a healthy and active lifestyle. However, in order for children to participate in sports regularly, it is necessary to motivate them. In this article, we will tell you how you can best support your children in this. An essential aspect of motivating children is the interplay between fun and challenge. Because only if children feel both joy and a certain incentive when practising sports will they be enthusiastic about it in the long run. So always look for ways to increase the fun factor for your children and give them new challenges. Through varied exercises and interesting game formats, you can ensure that your children get excited about sport again and again. Another important point is to recognise your children’s achievements. Through praise and recognition, you can help them develop a positive self-image and motivate themselves. However, be careful not to exaggerate your praise – otherwise there is a danger that it will distract from the opposite or even come across as untrustworthy. Instead, look for small opportunities to express your appreciation so that it comes across as authentic and sincere to your child.


In conclusion, there is no one sport that is equally suitable for all children. Rather, each child’s individual inclinations and abilities should be taken into account. This can ensure that the child enjoys sport and remains motivated in the long term.

Kind Musik

Advantages of a musical education for children

The advantages of a musical education for children

A musical education can help children to develop creatively and flexibly. Musical experiences promote the ability to concentrate, spatial imagination and fine motor skills. Children learn to express their emotions by making music. Musical experiences also promote social interaction and communication. In musical activities, children play together and learn to listen to and consider each other. By making music together, children become familiar with the sense of belonging and the concept of teamwork. Children who have enjoyed musical education often show better language development. This is because they have regular opportunities to hear and speak words and phrases in a musical context. Most children’s songs have a simple structure and are often repeated, which makes it easier for the children to understand and remember the words. A musical education can therefore develop children both creatively and socially. The benefits of such an education should not be underestimated!

What you should know about the different types of musical education

Musical education for children is a very broad topic and can be done in different ways. Many people think that it is only about piano or guitar lessons, but in reality there are many more possibilities. For example, there are lessons for singing, dancing, acting and music theory. Each of these disciplines has its own advantages and disadvantages. Some of the advantages of a musical education are that children can develop their creativity, relieve frustrations and develop social skills. In addition, studies have shown that children who are musically educated do better in other subjects. This may be because they learn discipline and concentrate better.

Where to find musical education for your child

In many cities there are special music schools or courses that offer musical education for children. Many general music schools also offer such courses. So the choice is wide – you should just look around your city and compare different offers. If you are interested in a musical education for your child, you should definitely make sure that the teachers are qualified and experienced. Also make sure that the lessons take place in small groups so that your child gets enough attention.

How much does a musical education cost?

Many parents would like their children to have a musical education, but the costs are often a deterrent. However, there are numerous funding opportunities and state subsidies that can drastically reduce the costs. Therefore, it is worthwhile in any case to inform yourself about the various options. A musical education offers many advantages for children and young people. It not only promotes musical talent, but also the ability to concentrate, endurance and discipline. It also broadens horizons, as children and young people come into contact with other people and gain new experiences.


All in all, it can be said that a musical education can bring many different benefits for children. Musical stimulation not only increases emotional well-being, but also promotes important motor and social skills. At the same time, a musical education provides children with a creative outlet to express themselves.

On the road with the baby in the car

Sometimes a baby has to be taken on a journey. To ensure that the journey is safe and relaxed, special attention should be paid to a few criteria.

High-quality child seat

Children up to the age of 12 must sit in the back of the car in a suitable car seat. While babies can be perfectly secured in a baby car seat such as Maxi-Cosi, stable child seats are needed for older children. Some models are equipped with an Isofix attachment. With this attachment, the seat can simply be snapped into a fixture on the back seat. It is thus firmly attached to the car body.

Tired children are the best travel companions

Before a long journey, it makes sense not to put the child down for a nap. If the child is placed tiredly in the car, the chances are very high that he or she will quickly fall asleep due to the soothing sounds of the engine. In addition, however, a person should sit in the back. This person can calm the child if it wakes up or give it something to drink in between. Many children can be quickly calmed down with a dummy. So that it does not get lost in the vehicle, a dummy chain should be attached to the baby’s clothing. This saves you the trouble of looking for it, especially in the dark footwell.

Putting on a sunshade

If you are planning a longer trip in the summer, make sure that the child is not exposed to the blazing sun. Babies and toddlers don’t like to have their eyes dazzled. Besides, they would only sweat unnecessarily. There are practical sunshades for every vehicle. They are attached to the windows with suction cups and ensure that the sun’s rays can no longer penetrate directly into the vehicle. For children, a sunshade with a childlike motif is a good idea.

Wear comfortable clothing

A thick jacket should be taken off so that the child does not sweat heavily during the car journey and is restricted in movement. Many child seat manufacturers also recommend buckling a child in without a thick jacket. It is much better to turn on the heating or cover the child with a warm blanket when the outside temperature is colder than to wrap the child in a thick winter bag. Overheated children not only get cranky, but they can even get sick from it. The cap should also be taken off, as otherwise the heat cannot be released through the head.

Don’t forget CDs

Many children love music and can easily be distracted or calmed down by it. It is therefore advisable to always carry a small selection of children’s music in the car. This can make the journey much more relaxing. When the child is tired, some music should be played softly to help them fall asleep.

Toys for the car

For babies, it is a good idea to have some toys attached directly to the car seat. This way, the child can easily reach all the toys and they cannot fall down. For older children, there are special children’s car tables. They can be equipped with small books, cuddly toys or other toys. But here, too, it makes sense if the toys are secured. This prevents the child from throwing the toys forward for fun and scaring the driver, or from dropping something.