On the road with the baby in the car
Sometimes a baby has to be taken on a journey. To ensure that the journey is safe and relaxed, special attention should be paid to a few criteria.
High-quality child seat
Children up to the age of 12 must sit in the back of the car in a suitable car seat. While babies can be perfectly secured in a baby car seat such as Maxi-Cosi, stable child seats are needed for older children. Some models are equipped with an Isofix attachment. With this attachment, the seat can simply be snapped into a fixture on the back seat. It is thus firmly attached to the car body.
Tired children are the best travel companions
Before a long journey, it makes sense not to put the child down for a nap. If the child is placed tiredly in the car, the chances are very high that he or she will quickly fall asleep due to the soothing sounds of the engine. In addition, however, a person should sit in the back. This person can calm the child if it wakes up or give it something to drink in between. Many children can be quickly calmed down with a dummy. So that it does not get lost in the vehicle, a dummy chain should be attached to the baby’s clothing. This saves you the trouble of looking for it, especially in the dark footwell.
Putting on a sunshade
If you are planning a longer trip in the summer, make sure that the child is not exposed to the blazing sun. Babies and toddlers don’t like to have their eyes dazzled. Besides, they would only sweat unnecessarily. There are practical sunshades for every vehicle. They are attached to the windows with suction cups and ensure that the sun’s rays can no longer penetrate directly into the vehicle. For children, a sunshade with a childlike motif is a good idea.
Wear comfortable clothing
A thick jacket should be taken off so that the child does not sweat heavily during the car journey and is restricted in movement. Many child seat manufacturers also recommend buckling a child in without a thick jacket. It is much better to turn on the heating or cover the child with a warm blanket when the outside temperature is colder than to wrap the child in a thick winter bag. Overheated children not only get cranky, but they can even get sick from it. The cap should also be taken off, as otherwise the heat cannot be released through the head.
Don’t forget CDs
Many children love music and can easily be distracted or calmed down by it. It is therefore advisable to always carry a small selection of children’s music in the car. This can make the journey much more relaxing. When the child is tired, some music should be played softly to help them fall asleep.
Toys for the car
For babies, it is a good idea to have some toys attached directly to the car seat. This way, the child can easily reach all the toys and they cannot fall down. For older children, there are special children’s car tables. They can be equipped with small books, cuddly toys or other toys. But here, too, it makes sense if the toys are secured. This prevents the child from throwing the toys forward for fun and scaring the driver, or from dropping something.